Monday, April 12, 2010

Leather Panties

Today, at the museum's conference I participated in a panel discussion about cultural entrepreneurship. Whatever that is. Anyway, my fellow panelist, Mark, kept me entertained throughout the presentation. At one point, I whispered to him that he was being dominating. He then wrote me a note that he was wearing leather underwear. Seriously. Try controlling yourself in front of a group of peers after that one.


  1. Is Mark that cute little gay guy that used to work for Disney? I love him.

  2. I WAS going to ask if Mark had any potential as a love interest, but after Becky's comment, I guess not.

  3. Love it! Gays are my favorite kind of people.

  4. I would like Joy's response on Becky's question, because otherwise there was some serious flirting going on at the museum conference! Who knew!

  5. No straight man would say that! Would they? Would they say "panties"?

  6. Definitely the flamboyantly gay Mark, formerly of Disney. Yup, he's a hoot!
